Every day, each one of us is confronted by experiences that can throw us off balance. Watching an intense reaction in a friend. Hearing news of someone we love suffering. Learning of a tragic incident in the world.
It can be very difficult for us to stay present in moments like these. And sometimes we don't. We leave presence and feel our own reactions and suffering. That can happen and it is understandable. It is part of our human experience to come and go from presence.
However, it is when we return to presence, or when we abide in presence, that we find our sense of balance. Nothing else can do that for us in a lasting and deep way.
We feel held from the inside. We relax into our bodies and feel in the here and now in a sensory way. Our nervous system settles. Our breathing becomes more natural. We have arrived in this moment, where we can watch and sense our true nature guiding us.
The resources in this room offer reminders about knowing presence in the face of challenge. They call us back to our inner home, where we are actually the most capable of responding to whatever is happening around us or within us.
May this relationship with balance grow in you so you know it is there anytime and all of the time. May you become acquainted with this Inner Harbor inside of you.
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