We are all in this together, in our own individual way.
We are all part of the great web of life. We can feel the oneness of that.
And we are — each one of us — unique manifestations of the Divine. Like the one-of-a-kind snowflake, there is no one exactly like you or exactly like me on the planet right now.
The understanding of those two co-existing truths gives a power boost to our spiritual journey.
In relating to others, we have the opportunity to practice showing up as our presence. We have the chance to sense ourselves and the other, feeling our connectedness as well as our autonomy.
In moments, we can watch love arise inside of us when we are with others not because of any specific conditions or circumstances but because it is our nature to watch love arise in us. We may choose to express this love with others, or we may choose to be still with it.
When this arising love becomes the source of our actions, it infuses the friendship, compassion, support and care that we share with others.
We become a force for healing on the planet as our warm-heartedness naturally arises in more moments with more kinds of people. We can bring these capacities of awareness, space, deep listening and sensing to moments with people from all walks of life, appreciating how we connect and how we remain different.
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