We sometimes forget that the ground of Being is with us all of the time.
Presence is here whether we remember it or not.
The human journey of remembering ourselves as true nature and then forgetting that precious experience is a natural part of our learning and development. We may judge this movement back and forth and have a preference for remembering. But the deeper reality here is that the remembering and the forgetting are both essential, especially when we notice that we have forgotten who we really are and want to return to our inner home.
That's when we need grounding.
When we feel overwhelmed or lost or far away from presence, we can use practices to get grounded again. Grounded in our bodies. Grounded in reality. Grounded in our Being.
When we feel ungrounded, it may seem that we are living primarily in our heads or even above our heads. When we feel ungrounded, we may have more thoughts, emotions and reactions that we believe and act out. When we feel ungrounded, we may feel out of sync with our own pace and rhythms.
Feeling grounded is like having ancient redwood trees for legs, like growing as big and immovable as a mountain, like feeling a massive Buddha belly inside that deeply roots us into the center of the Earth.
This room contains many different tools we can use to ground ourselves, to feel our connection to the ground of Being again.
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