

Prayer is a bridge — a link — from one dimension of our experience to another.

Prayer can feel like a saving grace or a beloved friend or sometimes both.

I love prayers from many different traditions.

This healing room is a collection of some of my favorites.

When a prayer is real for me, I can feel it inside myself, transporting me to a deeper, vaster part of my existence.

It can take many forms — an empowering affirmation, a quiet remembering, a sacred reading, deep conscious breathing, a dance, a song.

Prayers remind us that we are part of something much bigger than any situation. They bring us back to the truth that no matter what is happening in our lives or what thoughts we are believing, we are inseparable from the immutable loving presence that is always there with us, for us and as us.

See what it's like for you to spend time with prayer.

See what you discover.


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